Guillaume Carton The transformation of research into practice: Guillaume Carton is a 3rd-year PhD Candidate in strategic management at the Université Paris- Dauphine (France). His PhD is supervised by Professor Stéphanie Dameron. His research interests include the production and diffusion of management knowledge between research and practice. He is particularly interested in the role of management innovations, in the role of scholar-practitioners, and in the rigor/relevance debate. He conducts qualitative research, employing a strategy-as-practice lens and mobilizing Giddens’ framework. His dissertation papers have been presented in peer- reviewed conferences and workshops. Beside his research activity, he works as a consultant in a management consulting firm.
Felix Werle Inter-organizational strategizing: Felix Werle is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Organization and Management, University of Zurich (David Seidl). His research is on inter-organizational strategizing processes where firms establish a collective understanding on strategic topics which informs their respective internal sensemaking and strategizing processes. Besides focusing on how organizations can extend their sensemaking capacities by engaging across organizations from often different industries, the research focus is further on the role of epistemic and partial objects for shaping such processes. The paper on ‘Inter-organizational Strategizing as Extension of Sensemaking Capacities’ also won the SAP Best Student Paper Award at the AOM Conference in Boston 2012. Felix has worked as a facilitator and consultant specialised on (inter-organizational) sensemaking and strategizing formats. At the AOM Conference in Orlando his research together with David Seidl was presented at the Symposium on ‘Open Strategy’.
Felix will finish his PhD in summer 2014. Shenghui Ma The CEO post-succession process: Shenghui Ma is a doctoral student at the University of Zurich’s Chair of Organization and Management (Prof.

David Seidl). His PhD project focuses on new CEOs and how they manage the dynamic post-succession process. For this project, he had followed eight new CEOs by interviewing them regularly over the last two years. His general research interests include strategy process and strategic change, with a particular focus on the role of CEO and TMT. Shenghui is responsible for the bibliography section of our Strategy-as-Practice International Network (SAP-IN) website. Currently he is spending a research stay at HEC Montréal (Prof.

Guillaume Cartoon On Twitter: @strategizers Management Services
Ann Langley). He expects to finish his PhD study in summer 2014. This post is taken from the SAP Interest Group Newsletter. For the PDF versions of all newsletters see the.